Exhibition Venue & Address:

UMA Fairs Ground Address : Lugogo Show Grounds Kampala, Uganda P.O. Box 6966
Tel: +256 414-221034 / +256 414-220285

Catalogue Listing & Exhibitor Badges:

Filling in and submission of below forms are mandatory for all exhibitors for a free entry of their company and product details in the Exhibition Catalogue. Listing should reach us 20 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition.

=>Catalogue Listing
=>Exhibitor Badges

Visa Letter For Overseas Exhibitors:

In case visa recommendation letter is needed from organizers, please fill the below form separate for each person attending the exhibition.

=>Visa recommendation form

Extra Accessories:

Please contact the organizers for more information.

Cargo Information:

Cargo Agent



Physical address:

P.O.Box : 126732

Address 1 : Off : 201 - 202 , AJD Business Centre, Oud Metha, Dubai, UAE
Address 2 : P.O.Box 126732, Austrian Business Centre, Media City, Dubai, UAE
Tel : +9714 454 9868
Phone: +971 50 88 74723
Fax: +9714 454 2310
Email: info@mxmexhibitions.com